President Xi Jinping stressed that over the past 10 years, we have had several phone calls and exchanged views on bilateral relations and administrative and administrative experience, developing China-Czech relations into a strategic partnership. . We have promoted exchanges of economic and trade personnel between the two countries, Czech exports to China have increased by almost three times, and in 2019 the number of Chinese tourists visiting the Czech Republic increased by 250% compared to 2013. China attaches importance to the expansion of China-Czech Republic relations, views the Czech Republic as an important strategic partner, and is willing to work with the Czech side to promote the stable and long-term development of bilateral relations and expand mutual exchanges. Benefits. two nations.

Xi Jinping stressed that China will comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through China’s modernization, continue to expand high-level reconstruction, and will undoubtedly create new opportunities for countries around the world. Czech Republic. Both sides should respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, and strengthen multi-level, high-quality exchanges. We should make good use of each other’s opportunities, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, and expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges. China will introduce more substantive measures to promote cooperation between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. China’s policy toward Europe remains stable. The Czech side hopes to continue to promote cooperation between China and countries in Central and Eastern Europe and actively support the stable and healthy development of China-EU relations.

Zeman said he fully agreed with President Xi Jinping’s statement on Czech-Chinese relations. I highly appreciate the friendship with President Xi Jinping, and am ready to work with China to strengthen cooperation in the field of economy, trade and investment, eliminate the impact of the novel coronavirus, restore people-to-people exchanges, and build trees. The Czech side is willing to play an active role in the healthy development of EU-China relations.

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